2018 – The year the American dream is restored? First of all, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as 2018 will definitely be a year to remember and history will mark it as a turning point for the US if not the world. What’s coming in the next 12 months will be unsettling for some, long past due for others but will be remembered as a cleansing of the planet. But before we go forward, it’s important we revisit and review the past so the information is fresh in our minds as in everything, it is connected. …
White Hats Report #40
Dr. Michael Herzog Arrested By German Authorities – Has Great Voice, Sings Like A Pro. THE PAST FOURTEEN DAYS Please recall the winner-takes-all media confrontation between the White Hats Reports #35, #38 and #39 and a well known International Hedge Fund wherein Dr. Herzog tried to use a namesake as a front, hired some high priced legal muscle and used the well known fund to shield himself and his fraudulent activities for the beneficial interest of Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
White Hats Report #34
THE BUSH CABAL – NUKING THE OUTHOUSE! The White Hats and Ed Falcone have been in London all this week meeting daily with key parties interfacing with the House of Lords and UK Agencies. Multiple agendas are in play at the highest levels. The White Hats are using the U.K. arena to commence their work due to the total control that the Dark Cabal … Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and all of their Minions … has had in the United States, including the American Main Stream Media. It is difficult to believe the Bushes have gone undetected for 50 years with …
White Hats Report #29
Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union. It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article. Although we have volumes to report, we do not have the time to author stories of more scandals, it’s just more of the same and vastly larger than reported in the past. We promise we will. In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion. We have certainly seen the results of the …
White Hats Report #22
Progress Update: The Cabal’s World Is Falling Apart; Obama and Geithner Breach of Duty on the Global Settlements; Bush, Sr., Clintons & Bush, Jr. Secret Closed Files Under Heavy Review. We are finding that being the lead in any effort is difficult but if you are truthful, fair and balanced in your reporting then over time, people listen, investigate, evaluate and respond. This has been a long drawn out journey for the White Hats but thankfully what we have been stating for months has intertwined with other domestic and international news and activities. Being in the lead position also creates …
White Hats Report #18
Soros, Obama and the rest of the cabal about to be Trumped? Soros – Bretton Woods Conference George Soros is holding his international conference this weekend, April 8th to April 11th at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Of the many who were invited none of the true US and World Financial Experts will be attending. Bretton Woods is the historic site of the 1944 conference, which established the post-World War II international financial system. Soros is spending $50 million dollars at Bretton Woods to bring together up to 200 academic, business and government policy leaders (some from outside the US) to …
White Hats Report #17
To Patriotic Americans and our good readers worldwide. It’s Wednesday evening and despite all other promises and “disclosures”, the Texas and DC crowd still continue on in their immoral way. It was presented yesterday (Tuesday) to a large settlement Payee that George Soros, Harry Reid, and others wanted to get together from April 8th thru the 11th to discuss breaking down the FED and establishing a new financial system without current bankers and the US currency. That agent was told to “excuse himself.”
White Hats Report #15
Bush and the CIA’s Fraud Conspiracy Exposed. Today, the TRUTH they all thought would stay buried. The Dewhurst Files – Part 2 As part of the on-going saga of scheming perpetrated against so many trusting investors like Edward Falcone by Bush Senior and his cohorts, we are now exposing new information as the prosecution evidence is being assembled and the case moves towards the first writs being served and potential arrests being made. Mr.Falcone has the signed Bush contract with Don Nevin, passport copy attached, representing Bush in the contractual undertaking. A bonfire of arrogance may await them when the …
White Hats Report #14
The Dewhurst Files – Part 1 David Dewhurst is currently serving in Texas as the Lt. Governor, a position of Public Trust. An honorable position, demanding he conducts himself accordingly. His ambitions extend next to challenging for a seat in the Senate. Mr. Dewhurst’s complete personal integrity, and his ability to be an honest, forthright, public official, an elected leader of the people of the State of Texas, is now the issue.
White Hats Report #13
UPDATED The importance of this short update is to explain what has taken place over the last two weeks. As indicated in our last report we have continued to collect the last 40% of detailed information on where all the parties have moved their stolen funds including names, dates, account numbers, and banks involved in these illegal activities. This is not a simple task and has taken time. All the information collected has now been submitted to certain Congressional Members for examination, pending a full Congressional Inquiry. We have been asked by these authorities to give them a short period …