A Case Study in Financial Fraud (RICO) To our loyal and long time readers, the above hashtag will resonate and remind them of one of the cabal’s front men, con artist and Bush crime family fixer. Yes, Dr. Michael Herzog is, once again, spotlighted by the White Hats. Before we revisit this sordid tale of fraud, corruption, theft and criminality, it would be prudent to mention some current events so that issues can be put in proper perspective. The exposure of the cabal (aka Deep State) has been occurring since the November, 2016 election. Notwithstanding our exposures starting in late …
White Hats Report #63 – #ARRESTtheFED
The Storm is here. The releases coming over the next few weeks will expose the details of the methods by which the cabal rules the world through the control of money by showing you trading contracts with proceeds as high as $3 Trillion and $25,000 Trillion. Enough to fund every TRUE humanitarian project on Earth in addition to advanced technology, free energy, the exploration of our universe, housing, hydroelectric projects for undeveloped countries, turning deserts green and other infrastructure projects all over the world. Instead, the money is used to subvert the production of the people to a select few …
White Hats Report #62
2018 – The year the American dream is restored? First of all, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as 2018 will definitely be a year to remember and history will mark it as a turning point for the US if not the world. What’s coming in the next 12 months will be unsettling for some, long past due for others but will be remembered as a cleansing of the planet. But before we go forward, it’s important we revisit and review the past so the information is fresh in our minds as in everything, it is connected. …
White Hats Report #60
A Storm IS Coming It’s been 11 months since we released our last report. This fact should not be considered to reflect our disengagement from the overall battle. On the contrary, we have been very busy behind the scenes in the ongoing fight to expose the cabal and restore our Republic. Those faint sounds you’ve been hearing………… the change of the long time cabal influenced and controlled regime in Saudi Arabia TO the UK’s dogged determination to exit the EU via Brexit TO the exposure of the corrupt, CIA controlled media (Operation Mockingbird) TO the outing of the cabal infestation …
White Hats Report #57
The Trump Factor: Trexit, America’s answer to the Globalists and Exposure on a grand scale Following the lead of our friends across the pond, America delivered their own version of Brexit by electing Donald Trump president. In the year of miracles, add Trexit to Brexit and the Cubs winning their first World Series in 108 years to the list of odds defying events. History tells us that eventually the pendulum will change direction and swing the other way and the number of casualties is growing by the day. The list is long and distinguished and perhaps the biggest losers …
White Hats Report #54
It’s now or never! We had a long, detailed report prepared, analyzing the two debates and the aftermath and the points and counterpoints and after writing three pages of information that, in review, should already be obvious to our readers, we decided to shift gears, step back and reassess our message. We have issued 54 reports in 6 years, some lengthy with attachments and details, others with concepts and ideals and still others with just raw information. We have written about the cabal and the many players involved including both sides of the political aisle. It should be obvious that …
White Hats Report #53
PollMole, will it prevent a stolen election in 2016? As November 8 quickly approaches, we’re reminded of a quote attributed to Josef Stalin, “It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.” Or a similar one attributed to Boss Tweed, “Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything.” Every four years and to a lesser extent, every two years, we are bombarded with “polls”, polls to tell us who the voters approve of, polls to tell us what the important issues are, polls to give us the latest trends and polls to …
White Hats Report #52
The Trump Factor – Bush crime family pulls out the Tramp in an attempt to discredit The Donald The 2016 US Presidential election season has officially entered the Twilight Zone. Before we cue up the Rod Serling lead-in, a history lesson is in order. It’s always good to review the past in order to put the present into proper context. In the US, from now until November, the Presidential election party primary circuses will take center stage. The traveling road shows are in full swing with the Ringling Brothers (Bush crime family Republicans) and Barnum & Bailey (Hillary and Bernie) …
White Hats Report #51
The Trump Factor: More obfuscation, this time by the alternative media As we gear up for resumption of operations, it has been brought to our attention that a website has cited Lord James’ historic speech of February 16, 2012 as source material for an article that is filled with inaccuracies. Before we get to that, it should be pointed out that this is the second time his speech has been cited in a disinformation piece, the first being penned by Gordon Duff of Veterans Today. Duff has part of it right but it wasn’t Wanta’s money. It was created out …
White Hats Report #50
WE’RE BACK! After much soul searching, it’s been decided to restart The White Hats Report website in an effort to continue the work begun over 4 years and 47 reports ago. At that time, we suspended our reporting as other matters had to take precedence. In the meantime, Kerry Cassidy graciously provided me blog space on her Project Camelot website wherein I offered submissions periodically for posting and some sites linked to this blog including One World of Nations. In addition, the furor over our failure to release #48 was addressed in my article entitled “About 48”. This was written …