White Hats Report #64 – #EXTRADITEHERZOG – Part 1

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

A Case Study in Financial Fraud (RICO)

To our loyal and long time readers, the above hashtag will resonate and remind them of one of the cabal’s front men, con artist and Bush crime family fixer. Yes, Dr. Michael Herzog is, once again, spotlighted by the White Hats.

Before we revisit this sordid tale of fraud, corruption, theft and criminality, it would be prudent to mention some current events so that issues can be put in proper perspective. The exposure of the cabal (aka Deep State) has been occurring since the November, 2016 election. Notwithstanding our exposures starting in late 2010, the self exposure has been going on for 18 months and has reached the desperation stage.

Remember the recounts? Remember the attack on the representatives of the Electoral College? When those two gambits didn’t bear fruit, the “Russian collusion” narrative was started before President Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. That lie has long since disappeared from the CIA controlled media narrative, the obstruction of justice nonsense is now losing steam and what’s left? Continue the Mueller ruse long enough to negatively affect the mid-term elections so the party of Communists and Socialists can gain enough seats in both chambers to start impeachment proceedings while the usual Deep State stooges, including Mueller and Comey continue to cover their asses while Trump continues to drain the swamp.

In the backdrop to all of this, we’ve learned how utterly corrupt and political both the FBI and DOJ is although anyone reading our reports would’ve been fully informed of this sad fact years ago. While jaywalkers and speeders and shoplifters are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, traitors and financial con men and drug traffickers are provided cover to expand their operations and continue the plundering, pillaging and raping of the planet and its people. Under cover of “national security” and other such ruses created out of thin air, the people are simply collateral for the unending debt placed on the collective working class. This is the result of convincing the citizens of the US they are ruled by a government of the people and by the people rather than a corporation which treats them simply as security against a debt that can never be nor is it intended to be….repaid.

We’ve exposed two of the prominent US crime families, Bush and Clinton, in addition to a wide variety of their stooges who do the heavy lifting, taking the real exposure risk for fronting their scams and cons.

When you control the law enforcement community, everyone involved has “immunity” unless your gambit to elect another criminal, Hillary Clinton, fails and you’re faced with the unthinkable, having to come out of your bolt holes and dark hiding places to expose yourself in the preservation of your criminal racketeering and conspiracies.

We are witnessing the “throwing under the bus” of such cabal enablers as Strzok, Page, McCabe and others, soon it will start moving up the ladder to Comey, Lynch and perhaps the Kenyan born conman himself, Barry Soetoro. These fools thought they had cover but are finding out otherwise as the unpeeling of the onion of sordid criminality continues. Not to mention the military tribunals that will soon be formed to address the treason committed for years against the last free country in the world, the united states of America.

Dr. Michael Herzog

The releases coming over the next few days and weeks will again shine the spotlight of shame on Herzog, a co-conspirator with current and former Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, aspiring politicians and the usual suspects in the banking cartel including former Fed Chairmen. Not only do you display your loyalty to the crime family but also your ambitions by both your deeds in private and your words in public. With the assistance of the CIA controlled media empire in the US, propaganda and lies are continually offered in the hopes of dumbing down the unsuspecting public and creating virtual rock stars of the most incompetent of these criminals in the pursuit of putting them in positions of power. When they’ve proven their undying loyalty to the crime bosses, they are then rewarded with higher offices through a fixed, rigged system from top to bottom.

Enter Dr. Michael Herzog, an international Zionist banker who knows the intricacies of the bank trading apparatus and is able to manipulate the system and front for the crime families pulling the strings.

We began reporting in late 2010 while the theft of Falcone funds was playing out in real time. We documented the bribes and payoffs, the investigation which reached into Europe, the attempts on Falcone’s life and the knowledge of the FBI, Congress and SCOTUS of the whole affair while doing absolutely NOTHING. Blackmail, threats and payoffs is how the minions of the crime families are controlled to do the bidding of their masters holding the puppet strings. All while holding public office and performing to the voters who, misinformed and hoodwinked, vote them into office.

Trading programs

We’ve exposed to the masses bank trading programs, reporting on them in throughout our releases and providing proof of their existence in our White Hats Report #63 – #ARRESTTHEFED. These programs were designed to raise money for humanitarian projects all over the world but like everything else related to banking and finance, have been hijacked by the cabal to serve their own aspirations of world domination. All power emanates from the banking cartel and if you control that, you control the world. When you control law enforcement, you can steal and thieve your way to a position of power and influence and never inconvenienced by laws enacted only for the slaves in which you rule over. Bush Sr.,Greenspan and Cohorts have Racketeered via Trading Programs generating Trillions with No Congressional oversight, through a myriad of Offshore banks and false fronts.

Ed Falcone, a real estate developer from Florida had intentions of helping to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and revitalizing the slums of Miami, Florida. A concerted effort by the cabal and their media arm have conspired to harass and portray Falcone as the heavy while continuing to trade his stolen funds, avoiding taxes and enriching themselves and their loyal minions who’ve facilitated the entire con.


Our #ARRESTTHEFED campaign worked better than we could have imagined and now we continue the onslaught on the cabal.

Get this information to Trump, Kelly, Wray, Sessions and others so that we can begin the process of extraditing Herzog in the quest to destroy the Bush crime family and continue draining the swamp. Like all conmen, once their cover is blown, protection eliminated and their crimes exposed, they fold up like a cheap pup tent and rat out their former masters.

Part 2 is in process and will be released soon, in the meantime, all hands on deck to get the word out.