White Hats Report #30

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

BUSH:   THE MEN FROM OZ AND PINOCCHIO’S MAKER. From the beginning of George H.W. Bush’s failed Presidency, United States politics have taken a serious turn for the worse and has plummeted into a crime in office.  As we have been reporting Bush Senior’s personal greed, corruption and mutual self interest are supported by crooked bankers and Wall Street Cronies.  They steal and siphon the wealth from you, the trusting, but betrayed American taxpayers and patriotic allies.  From his start Senior has made sure that each individual appointed to a key Government or Agency Office is bought and compromised to maintain …

White Hats Report #29

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union. It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article.  Although we have volumes to report, we do not have the time to author stories of more scandals, it’s just more of the same and vastly larger than reported in the past.  We promise we will.  In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion.  We have certainly seen the results of the …

White Hats Report #28

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

THE TROPOS AFFAIR:  The Theft & Demise of America For many months The White Hats have been reporting on numerous aspects of how America has been ripped off by its former and current leaders.  Readers have been informed of how it has occurred and how it continues to occur … in some cases, in real time as it is happening.

White Hats Report #27

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

UPDATE: First Settlement Payment for 30 Billion Completed And Clinton, Obama, Bush Jr. and Geithner Take It For Personal Accounts. Early this week Obama made a phone call and gave the order to settle with Ed Falcone.  That’s the financial fraud situation we have talked about where Bush Sr., Romney, Herzog and their gang of associates stole Falcone’s 700 million dollars.  This is the situation were the Federal Bureau of Investigation have buried Falcone’s complaints in the “Bush-directed-us-to-ignore-this” file.  Well, apparently our reporting of this matter is not only accurate but has uncomfortably exposed our former leaders as it was …

White Hats Report #26

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

UPDATE: TROPOS EXPOSURE SHIFTING THE MARKETS We want to applaud, support and give credit to Harvey Organ on picking up on the Tropos information and realizing the effects on the global gold and silver markets.    In White Hats Report #23, we wrote a detailed overview of Tropos and are very happy that we are starting to see the results of shining the light on the corruption in this America by our leaders and their minions.  The default notice sent to Bernanke which was posted in White Hats Report #23 was also sent to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.  Knowledge …

White Hats Report #25

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

 UPDATE:  OBAMA CONTINUES TO MOVE HIS STOLEN FUNDS: As we indicated in our last White Hats Report #24, the following is new preliminary information just received in reference to Obama’s illegal funds.  World Security Agencies and Falcone’s investigators continue to watch the movement of Obama’s illegal funds with trading profits exceeding 3 Billion Dollars.

White Hats Report #24

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

UPDATE:  OBAMA OFFSHORE TRADING PROFITS EXCEED 3 BILLION DOLLARS OBAMA IGNORES WORLD COURT ORDERS; OBAMA MENTAL CONDITION IS OF CONCERN TO STAFFERS; OBAMA IMPEACHMENT INEVITABLE! We have been informed once again that Obama has flipped and flopped on the World Global Settlements. Since our White Hats Report # 16 wherein we explain that President Obama had moved the funds from the Vatican Bank into a trading program with Josef Ackermann at Deutsche Bank, his trading profits have far exceeded 3 Billion Dollars according to Falcone’s investigators.  At the present time, Obama has closed out his accounts at Deutsche Bank and …

White Hats Reports #23

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

Progress Update:  Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files. In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg  member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America.  We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.

White Hats Report #22

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

Progress Update:   The Cabal’s World Is Falling Apart; Obama and Geithner Breach of Duty on the Global Settlements;  Bush, Sr., Clintons & Bush, Jr. Secret Closed Files Under Heavy Review. We are finding that being the lead in any effort is difficult but if you are truthful, fair and balanced in your reporting then over time, people listen, investigate, evaluate and respond.  This has been a long drawn out journey for the White Hats but thankfully what we have been stating for months has intertwined with other domestic and international news and activities.  Being in the lead position also creates …

White Hats Report #21

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

The Kenyan in the White House will sign to release the GS provided he gets his extortion money on the IQD revaluation. The on-going battle rages between the customary conundrums … right v. wrong, good v. evil, thugs v. the common people. Our US President Barack Obama who is both ineligible to hold the office and totally incapable of carrying out the duties of said office is again resorting to thuggery … this time extortion. The White Hats have been tracking the progress as patiently as everyone else allowing the good fellows in the international banking community to move through …