White Hats Report #26

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin


We want to applaud, support and give credit to Harvey Organ on picking up on the Tropos information and realizing the effects on the global gold and silver markets.    In White Hats Report #23, we wrote a detailed overview of Tropos and are very happy that we are starting to see the results of shining the light on the corruption in this America by our leaders and their minions.  The default notice sent to Bernanke which was posted in White Hats Report #23 was also sent to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.  Knowledge and concealment of the truth seems to go hand in hand.

Harvey Organ writes:

“Last Monday, I wrote that Tropos would rock the markets in the coming weeks. Let me explain why.

While the current focus of the world is on the debt ceiling and possible default of the United States, the Tropos affair is becoming more and more widely known both in Washington and aboard. What is clear is that Tropos has already put the United States into a technical default by serving notice of default to the Bureau of Public Debt last July 5, 2010. The Bureau never repudiated the default and it stands in default now as a matter of law.


It is only a matter of time now before rating agencies are forced to confront this fact. What makes the affair a scandal much bigger than Watergate is that Tropos served notice to President Obama that the Bureau of Public Debt, along with the Federal Reserve, were both noted in default, and that Senator Harry Reid and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency


had been apprised of this, but were waiting on Obama to act.


This is the coverup that could send shockwaves through the global debt markets after the hype over debt ceiling is over. What will happen to gold and silver prices when ratings agencies factor in to US securities the Tropos liability defaults?

Hold on, the ride could be violent and a volcano for gold and silver”.

Harvey Organ was born July 3rd, 1947 in Hamilton, Ontario Canada. Harvey received his Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy in 1970 and an MBA in 1972 at McMaster University, majoring in finance. It was during this time period where Mr. Organ was exposed to the derivative market that was just starting to develop on Wall Street.  Mr. Organ has been trying to expose the fraudulent manipulation of the gold market ever since the “Long Term Capital” downfall in 1998.  Mr. Organ has taken personal responsibility to share what he knows, expose the fraud and educate the intricacies of the gold and silver paper and physical markets.  Mr. Organ currently resides in Toronto, Canada with his wife Daliah and 4 children.

Read more about Harvey Organ go to his blog link at: www.harveyorgan.blogspot.com

Great job from the White Hats!!!