About 48 For those of you familiar with the White Hats Reports, you’re aware that we have suspended publishing reports, and more importantly, failed to release report #48 as promised. I have been asked about that on numerous occasions in the recent weeks and months and feel perhaps I should address it here. Our objective with these reports was primarily to continue the exposure of the withholding of the World Global Settlements (WGS) funds, the Wanta Funds, the CMKX debacle and the various other financial frauds perpetrated by the cabal on well meaning individuals. The primary focus was to let …
White Hats Report #37
The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back! If you have been following the news, The White Hats have called for Leadership in America to stand up and be counted. In fact, we would have expected our current President to stand up for America. We only asked for one person to stand up for America, for 308 million Americans, the ole’ girl in the New York harbor, the tattered ole’ flag and the fine men and women that serve or have served our Country proudly – just one person that has the …
White Hats Report #36
From The House Of Lords – The Shot Heard Round The World Our beginnings could read like a Robert Ludlum spy thriller. We selected with care a controlled-access, self-contained safe house in Fulham, Greater London, not overlooked but with a viable backdoor escape route to an unseen inter connecting alleyway in case of emergencies, and with a full visual overview of the wide scanning approach road to monitor any parked observers or perceived threat risks. Our emergency escape vehicle was permanently parked up on the connecting alleyway for a fast exit. The house’s sun blinds allowed us full vision …
White Hats Reports #23
Progress Update: Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files. In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America. We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.