White Hats Reports #23

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

Progress Update:  Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files. In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg  member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America.  We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.

White Hats Report #21

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

The Kenyan in the White House will sign to release the GS provided he gets his extortion money on the IQD revaluation. The on-going battle rages between the customary conundrums … right v. wrong, good v. evil, thugs v. the common people. Our US President Barack Obama who is both ineligible to hold the office and totally incapable of carrying out the duties of said office is again resorting to thuggery … this time extortion. The White Hats have been tracking the progress as patiently as everyone else allowing the good fellows in the international banking community to move through …

White Hats Report #12

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

UPDATED – Jew, Arab, and Gentile leaders all have same criminal mentality We again feel it’s very important to post an internal updated report.   We are spending a lot of time collecting intelligence and what follows is an outline of what we know so far.