White Hats Report #47

In Elections, Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

Watergate revisited? The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun.  The only questions that remain are: How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world? How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive? Will an insider FINALLY come forward, turn Patriotic…and reveal all the secrets? When will it all begin? The most likely starting volley in this unfolding historic process could very well be the resignation of Vice President of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

White Hats Report #46

In Financial Fraud, Government Corruption, WHR by Paladin

A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION! First agenda item:  Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”.  The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be.  First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts.  We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats.  The clear …