BUSH SR. – THE “KING” IS LOSING HIS MIND – How can a Stage Two Alzheimer Patient continue to terrorize American and World Leaders!? America is in grave danger by Washington Autocracy who have continued to fail to address the criminal actions of Bush Senior’s Dark Cabal who are in collusion with renegade bankers to destroy not only America’s, but the entire World’s financial system. America is not immune to the collateral damage from other countries, because our financial systems and currencies have become homogeneous and interdependent. An unchecked system has allowed the greed, self interest, and criminal activities of …
White Hats Report #30
BUSH: THE MEN FROM OZ AND PINOCCHIO’S MAKER. From the beginning of George H.W. Bush’s failed Presidency, United States politics have taken a serious turn for the worse and has plummeted into a crime in office. As we have been reporting Bush Senior’s personal greed, corruption and mutual self interest are supported by crooked bankers and Wall Street Cronies. They steal and siphon the wealth from you, the trusting, but betrayed American taxpayers and patriotic allies. From his start Senior has made sure that each individual appointed to a key Government or Agency Office is bought and compromised to maintain …
White Hats Report #25
UPDATE: OBAMA CONTINUES TO MOVE HIS STOLEN FUNDS: As we indicated in our last White Hats Report #24, the following is new preliminary information just received in reference to Obama’s illegal funds. World Security Agencies and Falcone’s investigators continue to watch the movement of Obama’s illegal funds with trading profits exceeding 3 Billion Dollars.
White Hats Report #15
Bush and the CIA’s Fraud Conspiracy Exposed. Today, the TRUTH they all thought would stay buried. The Dewhurst Files – Part 2 As part of the on-going saga of scheming perpetrated against so many trusting investors like Edward Falcone by Bush Senior and his cohorts, we are now exposing new information as the prosecution evidence is being assembled and the case moves towards the first writs being served and potential arrests being made. Mr.Falcone has the signed Bush contract with Don Nevin, passport copy attached, representing Bush in the contractual undertaking. A bonfire of arrogance may await them when the …