A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION! First agenda item: Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”. The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be. First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts. We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats. The clear …
White Hats Report #36
From The House Of Lords – The Shot Heard Round The World Our beginnings could read like a Robert Ludlum spy thriller. We selected with care a controlled-access, self-contained safe house in Fulham, Greater London, not overlooked but with a viable backdoor escape route to an unseen inter connecting alleyway in case of emergencies, and with a full visual overview of the wide scanning approach road to monitor any parked observers or perceived threat risks. Our emergency escape vehicle was permanently parked up on the connecting alleyway for a fast exit. The house’s sun blinds allowed us full vision …
White Hats Report #33
CABAL DUNG IS ABOUT TO HIT THE CIRCULAR OSCILLATOR The White Hats have not disappeared and we did not take time for the holidays. Instead, we went underground, deeper into the world of the Cabal and some of us have just surfaced. As you will soon be able to ascertain through the media, we have been quietly helping things be put in place to finally see the exposure of most all the dirty and inept politicians, experts, agencies, etc.
White Hats Report #31
BUSH SR. – THE “KING” IS LOSING HIS MIND – How can a Stage Two Alzheimer Patient continue to terrorize American and World Leaders!? America is in grave danger by Washington Autocracy who have continued to fail to address the criminal actions of Bush Senior’s Dark Cabal who are in collusion with renegade bankers to destroy not only America’s, but the entire World’s financial system. America is not immune to the collateral damage from other countries, because our financial systems and currencies have become homogeneous and interdependent. An unchecked system has allowed the greed, self interest, and criminal activities of …
White Hats Report #28
THE TROPOS AFFAIR: The Theft & Demise of America For many months The White Hats have been reporting on numerous aspects of how America has been ripped off by its former and current leaders. Readers have been informed of how it has occurred and how it continues to occur … in some cases, in real time as it is happening.
White Hats Report #26
UPDATE: TROPOS EXPOSURE SHIFTING THE MARKETS We want to applaud, support and give credit to Harvey Organ on picking up on the Tropos information and realizing the effects on the global gold and silver markets. In White Hats Report #23, we wrote a detailed overview of Tropos and are very happy that we are starting to see the results of shining the light on the corruption in this America by our leaders and their minions. The default notice sent to Bernanke which was posted in White Hats Report #23 was also sent to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Knowledge …
White Hats Reports #23
Progress Update: Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files. In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America. We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.
White Hats Report #12
UPDATED – Jew, Arab, and Gentile leaders all have same criminal mentality We again feel it’s very important to post an internal updated report. We are spending a lot of time collecting intelligence and what follows is an outline of what we know so far.
White Hats Report #2
Letter To Obama THE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION An Affiliate of the National Black Leadership Roundtable 1112 16th Street, N.W. – Suite 540 Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 269 5337 Fax: (202) 275 0377 E-mail: wfauntroy@aol.com Theodore A. Adams, III The Honorable Walter E. Fauntroy, Frank Francois, III President Board Chairman and CEO Secretary November 9, 2010 The Honorable Barak Obama The President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: It is with considerable regret that I find myself communicating on record to a Public Official with whom I once had so much hope …